Maybe Your Old Jeans Fit The New You, Maybe They Don’t


Postpartum bodies…nothing fits, right? The oddest thing is that some things absolutely do. And then some things are actually too big in the sea of things that are too small. We are told breastfeeding will help. Then if it doesn’t, we are told stopping will help. Well, then what?

The truth is, everything just shifts.

A huge closet clean-out is okay. Investing in the size you are now (even if it’s not your goal size) is okay.

Maybe your old jeans fit the new you, maybe they don'tWe’ve got this new body. This new body grew a human life! This new body in some way, shape, or form brought life into the world. Nurtured that life. Stayed up all night long. Changed, and grew, and adapted many times. For many of us, in the middle of a pandemic, stripped of normal resources and support.

We are someone new now. Let’s take the time to recognize that. To be okay with that. Let’s allow the parts of us that were born from those little people to hold a place of honor. Let all of our little worries, like our pants size, fall away compared to the new big and small worries we have for the lives we have brought into this world.

It is time to walk away from the chore of exercise to get our old bodies back. We have a new body that can do new things. Do something that excites you no matter what the goal is.

Do something that maybe the old you did not do.

This past month my husband gifted me with both a massage and a private intro to aerial yoga session. I would never have just gone out for a massage before. And while I had mentioned the yoga, I probably never would have booked it. The old me probably would have gone and thought, well that was hard, and I don’t want to do this in a group…they will look at me. The new me is excited to go back (maybe after one more private lesson). The new me felt strong like she could get through it. And the amazing core workout burn for days after…was truly just an added bonus. Perhaps with time and consistency, this new journey could lead to physical change, but it’s about health and transformation. It’s not about the old me.

What can you explore that is totally new? What is the new you capable of? Old jeans or new jeans…that’s not the point.


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