7 Expectations to Let Go of in Motherhood


mother holding her baby with hand on head looking stressed.Perfection and motherhood are so often showcased as going hand in hand. This is rarely actually the case. Here is a list of 7 expectations to let go of that you may have set for yourself or that have been asked of you by others. You can quickly move on from many things on this list!

Hour for Hour

Many things in your little one’s world may feel imbalanced…but you’re both always doing your part.  One spouse maybe with a baby more while the other works, or it may seem fairly 50/50. Neither situation is wrong.

The same goes for grandparents.  Schedules and distance may affect how often a grandparent can see little ones.  Their other contributions may look different as well, but the love for their grandbabies is always there.  It isn’t helpful to try and give equal sleepovers or babysitting opportunities when it may be overly stressful for you.

How You Feed Your Child

Breast is best is a wonderful marketing phrase…actually fed is best is as well. There are many components to making the choice of how you feed your little one.  You may meet moms who never nurse and you may meet moms who have driven themselves to tears trying to make it work. Neither of them is wrong and neither are you.

Introducing solids and when to wean falls into this category too. No one has the right to tell you that you are wrong for how you are introducing new healthy options to your little one.


How your family brings income in and how it is used doesn’t need to leave your home. Maybe you save up for family trips, maybe you enjoy extravagant date nights, maybe you need to know where every penny goes.  As long as your children are safely cared for no one should question you or your choices.

Taking Care of Your Family in Public

Many parts of caring for a little one can feel uncomfortable in public spaces.  From the choice to nurse or temper tantrums, many stages just feel like all eyes are on you. Learning how to simply go about your business is key. Diapers, meal times, and toddling feet should all feel ok in public.

Saying “OK” to Advice

Sometimes advice is just bad, right? As new parents, you will get lots of it! “I did this with you as a baby” or “Well my kids turned out fine”, aren’t good enough reasons to do anything that does not sit well with your growing family. It is okay to thank someone for respectfully delivered advice without actually living by it.

Perfect Meal Times

Who laughed at that? Seriously your dining room floors may never be clean again, and that is okay! It is also okay if your trips to the organic section of the grocery store are more or less than you ever imagined. Those nights when you simply cannot put a meal together are also okay. Take out it is! Cereal it is! Fed is still best. And less stress is always best.

Your Complete Vision of Motherhood

Maybe you never thought you’d have a nursery that wasn’t pottery barn perfect. Maybe you never thought you’d have childcare needs on a weekly basis. Maybe you thought you’d use your jogging stroller daily and your schedule just never works. Maybe you thought you’d never buy certain toys. Whatever your big list was before motherhood….it’s gone. Live in the now and embrace who you and your little ones are becoming.


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