Motherhood: Finding Mini Moments of Joy


As an all-around optimist, I tend to look at the glass half full. Even on the dullest of days, I can spot the light. Ask me what makes me this way and I’ll say it’s largely because of my parents’ positivity (thanks, guys!), and my instinctual vigor for life.

When I became a first-time mother in July 2019, I realized pretty quickly that my energy, patience and happiness would be tested, well, all the time — and it was up to me to find and savor the mini moments of joy of that tiptoed into my day.

It wasn’t that my passion for life escaped me or that I couldn’t appreciate what I had. Instead, it was that having a little human clinging to my leg for every need was for lack of a better word… heavy.

As I journeyed through motherhood, I realized joy was beginning to look a little different. Not in a bad way. In a real way.

  • Joy looked like blue skies and puffy clouds on my ride to work.

  • Joy looked like sipping a cup of coffee at my bathroom counter while washing my face, alone.

  • Joy sounded like a quiet apartment after my son learned to put himself to sleep.

  • Joy smelled like Thai take-out on a Friday night when I was too depleted to even consider stepping foot in the kitchen.

  • Joy looked like empty laundry baskets.

  • Joy smelled like my son’s soft clean hair after a soapy bath.

  • Joy felt like my toddler’s head on my shoulder as I wrapped him in a thick fleece blanket.

  • Joy tasted like the new delicious taco recipe after a mediocre day.

  • Joy felt like holding my husband’s hand under the sheets after a long day of barely getting to speak or hang out with each other.

  • Joy sounded like a light trickle of rain as our family of three drifted into dreamland.

These mini moments of joy filled my cup. They made me smile. They gave my days value.

Every day, as my cup would empty thanks to overwhelming work emails, teething episodes, and struggling to get my toddler to eat nutritious food, a mini moment would stop me dead in my tracks and remind me to “wake up and be grateful, girl!”

If you stop to notice and get curious about your day, you’ll see there are mini moments of joy all around you. And, if collected often enough can amount to a great, rich life.

Slow down. Start Collecting. You’ll see.



  1. Thank you, Ariana. I love your message. A fellow optimist, I can sometimes lose sight of the moments of joy, letting less important concerns or worries take over. It is a choice, and worth choosing to see the joy, better for me and everyone around me! Well said!
    Meg N.


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