Homeschool Resources to Help You Thrive During Winter


We are a second-year homeschooling family in Central MA. We have three kids that we currently homeschool and a baby who is along for the ride most days in her baby carrier. I am by no means an expert at homeschooling, but I have learned that homeschooling during the winter can be long and difficult for everyone in the house.

Last year, I was pregnant with our fourth baby, and I was in survival mode most days. This year my attitude towards homeschooling has changed from surviving to thriving. I will be honest, I am still trying to achieve thriving, but with my attitude adjustment, our days have become less stressful and a lot more fun. This winter, I want our children to continue to create new friendships, learn outside, and exercise their bodies and minds the same way they do when it is warm and sunny outside.

So here are five homeschool resources that we will use this winter to help our family continue to learn outside of our four walls.

Use your local library

We visit our local library a few times a week no matter what time of year it is because they are a great resource to keep our children engaged and entertained. They offer activities like yoga for kids, book clubs, craft days, and story times for the little ones. They also have museum passes on hand that you can borrow. Some libraries have a large space or room that they offer to homeschool groups who want to gather together.

Visit a museum

Field trips are the best way to break up a monotonous homeschool week. Visiting museums during a school day is great for hands-on learning because they are less crowded. Some of our favorite museums in Central MA are the Ecotarium in Worcester and the Discovery Museum in Acton, but there are so many great museums in our area both big and small. I suggest checking their websites for ticket reservation information ahead of time, looking into getting a yearly membership to save on costs, and seeing if they offer any homeschool classes or days.

Join the local YMCA

The local YMCAs are also another great resource in our area. We fell in love with our YMCA when our twins were just toddlers. Some of the youth programs that they offer throughout the year include swimming lessons, basketball, and gymnastics. Some YMCAs are even offering homeschooling programs during the daytime.

Venture out into nature

Playgrounds and parks are still a great resource to use even when its cold out. We also have so many nature trails in our area that are suitable for all ages. The trails around here are a great learning opportunity that can be tied into your curriculum. For example, you could study wildlife footprints or go on a scavenger hunt. Also sometimes kids just need to get outside and throw a few snowballs and sled down a hill. That counts as gym class in our book. Just make sure to bundle up and have the hot cocoa prepared in the crockpot.

Join a local homeschool group

It is very easy to hop on and join a few homeschooling groups on social media, but you need to be active in them. Attend the park dates, the library meet-ups, join in on the discussions, and find friends who are in the trenches just like you are. Not only are homeschool groups great for the parent/teacher, but they are vital for our children to meet friends and have fun together.


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